小林望八王子周辺でバストアップサロンを探していたところ、こちらのバストサロンが見つかり体験を受けました。 産後5年経ち、やっと自分に時間をかけられるようになったため、自力でバストアップマッサージをしたりし...八王子周辺でバストアップサロンを探していたところ、こちらのバストサロンが見つかり体験を受けました。
(Translated by Google)
When I was looking for a bust-enhancing salon around Hachioji, I found this bust salon and had a trial experience.
Five years after giving birth, I was finally able to take some time for myself, so I tried breast-enhancing massage on my own to breast-feed, but nothing changed, so I needed professional help. I plucked up the courage to make a reservation.
It was so comfortable that I fell asleep, and I was surprised at how fluffy my bust was, which was unlike anything I'd ever felt before.
We hope to see you again next time! ! ! -
K八王子、フェイシャルならココ(^^)! またお願い致します!! (Translated by Google) If you want a facial in Hachioji, this is the place (^^)! Thank you again! !八王子、フェイシャルならココ(^^)!
(Translated by Google)
If you want a facial in Hachioji, this is the place (^^)!
Thank you again! ! -
m nブララインzeroを体験しました。 肩甲骨や背中の肉を何とかしたくてお伺いしました。 とにかく気持ちよくて、痛くない筋膜リリースで肩周りが硬かったのが凄くほぐれました! 背中も綺麗になってバストも上がるの...ブララインzeroを体験しました。
(Translated by Google)
I experienced Bra Line Zero.
I came here because I wanted to do something about my shoulder blades and back muscles.
Anyway, it felt good, and the painless myofascial release really relieved the stiffness around my shoulders!
I highly recommend it as it will make your back look beautiful and your bust will rise! -
(Translated by Google)
I always take care of my bust treatment. It will give your bust firmness and volume, which will greatly improve your self-confidence. I was surprised at how much my bust changed even though I didn't touch it. The treatment was for the arms, shoulders, and décolletage, but I was surprised to find that my jeans were looser after the treatment, and that it was also effective for the waist! The facials are also very thorough and I can feel the effects even after just one session. I think this is perfect for those looking for a salon with reliable skills! -
n.m “n.m”
澤田実季施術前のカウンセリングやコースの説明が とてもわかりやすくて安心できる!と思いました。 お話もしやすいし、施術中もお喋りしてしまいました。 お試しのコースでしたが、帰宅後は気になっていた 鼻まわりの毛...施術前のカウンセリングやコースの説明が
(Translated by Google)
Pre-treatment counseling and course explanation
Very easy to understand and safe! I thought so.
He was easy to talk to and we ended up chatting during the treatment.
It was a trial course, but I was curious about it after I got home.
The pores around my nose were clear and smooth.
I recommend that you try some counseling. -
mars長年あったシミが目立たなくなりました。ありがとうございました。 (Translated by Google) The stains that I had for many years are no longer noticeable. thank you very much.長年あったシミが目立たなくなりました。ありがとうございました。
(Translated by Google)
The stains that I had for many years are no longer noticeable. thank you very much. -
ゆかお肌や身体の不安や疑問を解決してくださるスペシャルなサロン。とっても素敵で大切な場所です! (Translated by Google) A special salon that will solve your concerns and questions about your skin and bo...お肌や身体の不安や疑問を解決してくださるスペシャルなサロン。とっても素敵で大切な場所です!
(Translated by Google)
A special salon that will solve your concerns and questions about your skin and body. It's a very nice and important place! -
酒井あずさスタッフの方も、サロンもとても素敵です。 駐車場があるだけでもありがたいのに、入り口の目の前に駐車場があるので、雨の日などもとても助かります。 施術後は、すっきりして身体が軽くなりました。メニュー...スタッフの方も、サロンもとても素敵です。
(Translated by Google)
The staff and salon are both very nice.
It would be nice to just have a parking lot, but there is a parking lot right in front of the entrance, which is very convenient on rainy days.
After the treatment, I felt refreshed and lighter. The menu has a wide variety, so I would like to try other menu items as well. -
Oカウンセリングがとても丁寧で、強引に勧められることもなく、初めての方でも安心だと思います。 毎回、必要な施術を親身になって考えて下さいます。 とても居心地の良い素敵なサロンです。 (Translated by Goog...カウンセリングがとても丁寧で、強引に勧められることもなく、初めての方でも安心だと思います。
(Translated by Google)
The counseling is very thorough and there are no forced recommendations, so I think it's safe even for first-timers.
Each time, we carefully consider the necessary treatments.
It's a very nice and comfortable salon. -
p m1回でも効果を感じました!また行きたいです! (Translated by Google) I felt the effect even after just one use! I want to go again!1回でも効果を感じました!また行きたいです!
(Translated by Google)
I felt the effect even after just one use! I want to go again! -
y s
まりとても良いサロンです。 (Translated by Google) It's a very good salon.とても良いサロンです。
(Translated by Google)
It's a very good salon. -
Yuエンビロンを初めて購入した際、 分かりやすい説明でした。 安心出来ました。 (Translated by Google) When I first purchased Environ, It was an easy to understand explanation. I felt relieved.エンビロンを初めて購入した際、
(Translated by Google)
When I first purchased Environ,
It was an easy to understand explanation.
I felt relieved. -
きょんとても雰囲気の良いお店でリラックスできました。 丁寧な説明でとてもわかりやすい。 (Translated by Google) I was able to relax in the shop with a very nice atmosphere. Very easy to understand with det...とても雰囲気の良いお店でリラックスできました。
(Translated by Google)
I was able to relax in the shop with a very nice atmosphere.
Very easy to understand with detailed explanations. -
misato “M”素敵なサロンさんでした! (Translated by Google) It was a wonderful salon!素敵なサロンさんでした!
(Translated by Google)
It was a wonderful salon!